Portion value = The Number of Two Tokens in the Portion Composition * Real-Time Exchange Rates, Denominated in USD.Total yield = 365 * (BNB Rewards Distributed in the Past 24 Hours + Trading Fee Rewards in Past 24 hours) / Total Pool Value in the Past 24 Hours.Earnings: Includes the Liquidity Farming fee income and BNB rewards, priced in USD.Portion value is affected by multiple factors, including exchange rates, token price fluctuations, and impermanent losses, which can generate positive or negative returns. Portion Value PNL: Calculated based on the current portion value minus the total cost of the portion, priced in USD.Cost per Portion: Calculated based on the cost per portion when you add liquidity, priced in USD.The number of the two tokens will change in real-time based on the current pool size. Pool Portion Composition: Current composites of your portion.Portion Value: The total value of the portion acquired after adding assets.Portion Amount: The amount of token in the acquired portion.Total Yield: The latest reference rate of return for the trading pair.The number of the two digital tokens will change in real-time based on the current pool size. The portion is composed of two digital tokens. My Portion: Once you add liquidity to a liquidity pool, you will get a portion that is different from the single token you added.Total yield: The estimated annualized yield a user can expect to receive for providing liquidity in this pool.Slippage: The estimated percentage that the ultimate executed price of the swap deviates from the current price due to the trading amount.Portion of the pool: The estimated share of the pool that you are expected to get after adding liquidity.Portion: The pool portion you are expected to get after adding liquidity.The final price depends on the proportion of the pair in the liquidity pool and is calculated by a formula. DeFi 2.0 wants to combat these and make the experience more user-friendly. DeFi aims to bring finance to the masses but has struggled with scalability, security, centralization, liquidity, and accessibility to information. Price: The swap price between the pair in the pool. DeFi 2.0 is a movement of projects improving on the problems of DeFi 1.0.Remove: Remove your tokens from the liquidity pools.Add: Provide liquidity for the liquidity pools.When you add assets, you will also add them in proportion to the composition. Current pool size: The composition of the pair in the current pool.Before you start using Liquidity Farming, here are some definitions you should know: